Co-Exhibitor in Industrial Transformation Asia Pacific 2021

The Indonesian Ministry of Industry participated in the "Industrial Transformation Asia Pacific (ITAP) 2021" exhibition with the aim of globalizing the Making Indonesia 4.0 initiative, particularly within the manufacturing industry, across diverse industries and sectors. ITAP provided a comprehensive environment to foster the growth of a professional community, facilitating comprehensive interaction among Industry 4.0 professionals, technology and solution providers, manufacturing companies, software developers, component manufacturers, service providers, consulting firms, and startup enterprises.

In this international event, Indonesia adopted the theme "Accelerating the Making Indonesia 4.0 for Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development". Industrial Transformation Asia Pacific 2021 takes place from 22-24 November 2021 at Singapore EXPO. The Indonesian Pavilion was represented both physically and virtually. The physical booth accommodated various enterprises operating in the automotive and electronics domains, including PT Astra Otoparts Tbk., PT EPSON Indonesia, PT UNCAL Digital Technology, and UMG IdeaLab.

PT UNCAL Digital Technology is showcasing two of its superior products, there are UNCAL ESB and UNCAL BI. UNCAL Enterprise Service Bus (UNCAL ESB) is a System Integration that can integrate and facilitate communication between systems in the industrial world, as well as being the first integrated system made in Indonesia, and also UNCAL Business Intelligence (UNCAL BI) is the newest product, which functions to process and visualize data to assist the industry in making data-driven decision making.

As one of the local products, UNCAL Enterprise Service Bus is the first ESB made in Indonesia, aimed at addressing the intricate demands of your company's system and business integration. This cutting-edge system comes prepared to fulfill the integration requirements that modern businesses contend with, offering a comprehensive solution that streamlines operations, enhances communication between diverse components, and facilitates seamless exchange of data.

UNCAL ESB emerged as a significant milestone, aligning with the nation's aspirations for self-sufficiency in critical technological domains. This locally crafted ESB serves as a prime example of Indonesia's journey towards innovation independence. By leveraging UNCAL ESB, businesses can not only harness the benefits of advanced integration but also contribute to the growth of Indonesia's technology ecosystem. The arrival of UNCAL ESB introduces a transformational opportunity for companies seeking to optimize their operations through seamless integration. With its robust capabilities, UNCAL ESB symbolizes the nation's progress in becoming a hub for technology-driven solutions. As industries strive to enhance efficiency and bolster connectivity, UNCAL ESB offers a chance to support national innovation while simultaneously reaping the rewards of streamlined business processes.